Sunday, March 9, 2014

Quadruple Mastectomy - Surgeon Appointment #2

You know what every mom wants is a little quiet time, some time to sit and not have someone sitting on you, a time when nobody is begging, whining, crying, screaming all while the housework is calling your name.  I got some of that time, while I was waiting in the waiting room for 90 minutes. It's not all that it's cracked up to be. In fact, 10 minutes would have been plenty.

Saw the doc for about a minute.

He said he needed the MRI results and didn't have them. Then he said, "Ok. Never mind. It isn't necessary."  Wait? What? Then why did I have to go there and do it? I freaked out for nothing? I almost endured something that wasn't even necessary? Oh, the hell.

I could have gone through with it for no reason. Only to have a piece of non-essential paper in my fat medical file.  Thanks to my non-necessary MRI freak out, I am now diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Ugh.

Since there were no MRI results, there was nothing for him to see me for. He said the next time I see him is in surgery.  Did I have any questions? Yes.  What about my little nubbins on my abdomen? Is there breast tissue in them and should they be removed?  I only have cancer in one boob and yet they are removing the other as a prevention, so should they remove the other two too?

The doc was all excited. Two more? Let me see!  I showed him and he was like a little kid at Christmas. Yes, I have two little supernumerary or auxiliary nipples.  They're small, but they are there. They never produced milk when I was nursing my babies, so I don't think they are real breasts but I don't know what's under them. He said they have a little pad of fat or breast tissue, but probably no milk ducts. He said I can keep them or remove them, but if I keep them, they'll be the only two and then I'll look really funny. Honestly, I don't care if I look funny. I care about getting breast cancer again. I told him that and he agreed. Even a tiny piece of breast tissue can get breast cancer.

Then he went completely silly.  He said "Quadruple Mastectomy! The insurance company will audit me now!" And he laughed and said he is going to love doing this surgery. "So unique! Four breasts and one patient!" Aww, well, ok.

He looked at the file and said "oh, you haven't seen the plastic surgeon yet.  When are you doing that?"  I told him I don't have an appointment and I can't get one.

Because... they need paperwork from this office and they haven't received it. I've made several phone calls to this office and that office and they said they would talk to each other. This office says they have faxed what that office needs but that office hasn't received it, so I don't have an appointment. He didn't like that story.

He opened the door and said "Make it happen right now" to the receptionist and she immediately faxed the papers. Awesome.

I now have a  plastic surgeon appointment on March 10th, even though that office has a pile of fax cover sheets and no actual information from the cancer surgeon's office. I offered to carry copies of the paperwork from one office to the other. They said they'll call each other and figure it out. You girls go ahead and do that.


  1. I googled the reconstruction info too and, personally, I don't think it is necessary. Sounds like more trouble than its worth. Look it up. It also gave lots of questions to ask the doctors. Good legitimate questions. Give that procedure careful thought. Then do whatever makes YOU feel is best for you.

  2. Also make sure your insurance covers all the procedures and continuing follow ups.

  3. Thanks, Mom. I will google it tonight so that I have my questions ready for the plastic surgeon tomorrow. I will update you as soon as I can. I might have decisions to make, or it might be a simple decision with what to do.

  4. Anxiety & depression, HELLO don't they know what you are going through here. Nice to know that your are a medical "oddity". One of my friends who works in the medical field said to stuff some bean bags under your shirt, that way you can figure out size and weight if you want to. My advice is to try different sizes out and see what you like. You can make bean bags out of old socks.
