Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pre-Op Registration and a Surprise Lab Test

Two days before my surgery, the hospital finally called with preregistration and scheduling information. The surgical nurse who called (at 11am) wanted to know if I could come in for a pre-surgery admission interview before 2pm.  Sure.  I've just been twiddling my thumbs wondering when I could run over there and fill out a pile of paperwork.

I went straight to the hospital and filled out all the paperwork for admission. I don't have a lot of faith in the preregistration process at the hospital,  but I did it anyway.  Why don't I? Funny you should ask:

Five years ago, I preregistered at both hospitals (which isn't necessary since they are under the same health care system and if you register at one, you are automatically registered at both).  Then I was sent to this very same hospital that I am having this mastectomy surgery to be induced or have a c-section for Libby's birth. Oddly enough, I had to fill out registration forms again. And then I spent the day being induced, dodged the c-section, and went home still pregnant, but that's not the point I'm getting after.  When she was born two weeks later, we went to the other hospital in active labor and guess what, they didn't have any record of my preregistration which has now been done three times. My husband had to fill out a pile of paperwork while I stood there screaming in labor and my water was puddling under me on the floor.  Libby was born 45 minutes later.  So, I have a developed distrust for the hospital's preregistration process.

During my presurgery registration interview with the surgical nurse, she said I needed to go have my blood drawn for labwork.  Oh no I do not!  I did that already, thank you very much. She said, yes, she has that information, but the lab neglected to run a pregnancy test on the blood so I have to do it again. No. I will not. I am not pregnant, the test is not necessary and too bad if they forgot. After she again said her piece about how they need to know if a patient is pregnant or not, I again explained to her that they do know. I just told her.  I then told her I would take a urine test. Pregnancy can be detected by a urine test!  No, she wants blood.  Too bad, I'm not doing it. She says they won't do the surgery unless I do. Why? Why get hung up on one stupid little thing. Why didn't they do it in the first place? Why am I supposed to believe they are competent and can take care of me if they forget to run standard tests? During this whole debate, I was very upset. Of course I was very upset, who wouldn't be!

I lost the debate. She said I had to go to the lab down the hall and have blood drawn. I told her I would do it later, but certainly not now. I'm too upset. I need to calm down, go home and take some anxiety medicine, and I'd come back before the surgery. She said I had until 8pm. For as much of a jerk as she was, she was very nice about it.

I went home, cried it out, took some Ativan (a double dose), went to get the kids from school and pretended I had a good day, and next thing  you know it was 7pm. I had to go by myself because my husband had to watch the kids, so I went. The lab waiting area was empty, at least I didn't have to wait long. The guy found my paperwork and told me to sit in a chair. I said, No. I have to lay down or you'll have to scrape me off the floor. Ohhhh, ok. This guy has no idea who he's dealing with here.

I did pretty well. The guy was nice and he was surprised that he only had to run one test. I told him it's because the other lab "forgot" to run the stupid test and it's completely unnecessary and a waste of his valuable time and effort. He said ok.

Everyone is just fine with wasting their time on this.  Everyone except me. I could be having a decent evening with my family instead of being used like a pincushion. And guess what? I'm not pregnant. Surprise. Gee, I was telling the truth? Another guess what: There's a urine test for pregnancy. It's accurate and doesn't involve needles. How does a hospital who is supposed to be caring for me do the worst possible job of caring for me? I'm super worried about having a major surgery here. We are not off to a good start. Plus, I am pretty sure the whole preregistration thing is going to be lost between today and tomorrow. Heh.

Pre-surgery mood:  Dark and dreary. Blech.

1 comment:

  1. I had to have a pregnancy test done before my hysterectomy, I told them I wasn't but they insisted on that morning as I'm supposed to be getting ready for surgery. Fortunately for me it was a urine test, but even that was hard for me because I had to be completely empty from the day before. Surprise I wasn't pregnant had the surgery anyway.
