Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lifting the Security Restrictions

I really wanted my blog to be semi-public, mostly private, just a wee bit of security. But, it's frustrating and very few people are having much luck reading my blog.

I like the restrictions. They make me feel more free. Isn't that weird?

So, screw it. Taking the invite only thing off of the blog. Happy Open Reading!

PS - when you do visit my blog and read a post, or skim through, please leave me a comment! I love comments on my blog posts! Let me know you stopped by!


  1. I read this one. My "Toad Truck" came back! Explanation later.

  2. Mary--thanks for sharing this with us-- and for your wonderful writing about this experience--please keep writing as much as you can!!!sending lots of great energy your way=--Martha
