Thursday, December 4, 2014

Got My Ears Pierced

Since I have uber short hair, my ears stick out.  I guess they did before, because I was always a pony tail or bun kind of girl, but now I feel like my hair looks so masculine that some earrings would offset the look and girl it up a bit. Why not!

When I was 12, I was kind of stupid and I got my ears pierced. I remember it well. I was scared but determined! I nearly passed out and had to stand on my head up against the wall after one ear was pierced, and then they did the other one and I had to repeat the headstand. In retrospect, a headstand was a strange thing to have me do, as if a person who is nearly fainting is coordinated enough to stand on their head.

When I was 19, I was taller but still kind of stupid and I got my ears pierced again. Two earrings on each side! So cool. No headstands this time, but I do believe there was some beer involved.

Now, I'm 49.  I'm no longer stupid but I still made the same decision to pierce my ears. Beer was involved. When my first baby learned to reach and grab, she always went for my earrings. No matter what, that kid wanted to pull them out of my ears.  I haven't worn earrings since and my holes closed up long ago.  It's odd that they would heal shut. I had pierced ears for years before I had any babies. Anyway, I had to get them pierced again if I wanted to wear earrings.

I went to Claire's in the mall. I heard "don't go to Claire's" but, they seem just fine. They use a little gun and the part that holds the earrings is disposable and clips into the ear gun, so no part of the gun touches your ear that wasn't sanitized and used only on you. Also, the earrings are sanitized. It's all good. I chose some fake diamond earrings and sat in the piercing stool. The lady attacked me with the gun and now they are pierced! The only downside was that I didn't get a lollipop. I really felt like I deserved one too.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! I've always kept mine it seems like forever. Got the first set at 13 my second set at 23.
