Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Purse

I got a new purse.

I love to get new purses! That's why I try not to buy expensive purses, because I just can't commit. I like getting a new one and I'm always keeping my eye out.

We were at Costco, of all places to spot an awesome new purse. They had a huge stack of these purses in various colors and designs and they were $15.  That's so cheap! And I liked it right away! It has a zippered closure and a water bottle holder on the side. Score! Those are very cool features!

The zippers on top were secured with a plastic tie, so I couldn't peek inside, but really what more do I need to see. There are two zippers on the top, that means two big sections. And I love the zippers because I tend to tip my purse over in the car. Not sure why that is such a huge problem for me, but it is. I've come to realize it and live with it.

Got the purse home, yanked off the tags and opened it up. Weird. It had a plastic food container inside. Well, whatever.

I took the container out and what is this? It had a really weird looking lining. Like padded foil. Guess I'll be able to find things that get lost in the bottom of my purse, unlike a purse lined in black fabric. That'll work!

I moved everything over from my current purse to the new one. I like it!

Then, I looked at the tags. I've been fooled! It's a lunch box! This purse is a lunch tote! It's for food! Check it out! It's such a pretty purse, darn my luck! Oh, I had a good laugh!  But I still like it. I decided to give it a trial run. Maybe since it's a lunch box it won't really work out, but there's hope, right?  It might be too dorky.  I might be too dorky for thinking it might work out.

I took it out and about.  Nobody commented. Nobody said, "Hey, nice lunch tote! Are you having a picnic?"  Nobody. I took it out for a beer. Seems ok. Not too lunchboxy. I even took it to the park with my kids and my friend said, "I like your new purse." Dude. She called it a purse! Trial is over, it passed the test! I'm rocking the lunch tote purse!


  1. I have a dark pin one that is similar and I might just start using it as a purse too! Because no one would know unless you look inside and see the insulation liner.

  2. You can put your small change in the food container and it won't get lost on the bottom. Sounds ideal. Glad it passed the test. It is pretty and looks like you. It fits.
